https://doi.org/10.32347/2412-9933.2020.42.69-74Ключові слова:
CAD, VR-technology, virtual reality, design, architectureАнотація
Visualization tools like CAD help architects to develop their projects, but they’re not always successful in doing that. For one, the tools are too complex and the digital drawings and models produced are still 2D screen bounded, which makes it difficult – for collaborators and clients as well as the architects – to get a real, accurate sense of how design will look like, function, and take up space in the reality. According to the current way how CAD works for both visualization and prototyping – it has tremendous limitations. Every architect using CAD face problem of limitations resulting in misunderstanding between person who look at the visualization and own architects spatial view. 3D simulation on the 2D screen causes difficulties in experiencing scale, contextual elements and depth. However it is not proved that CAD representation results in wrong perception, since each individual human spatial perception has ability to intuitively compensate scale and depth issues individually that may differ from architects one. Thus, VR has the possibility to avoid pitfalls and provide natural and perception-friendly visualization. The epoch of CAD is ending – Virtual reality (VR) will be next digital visualization standard [1; 2]. This article explore the way and experience how architects will use the new methods of visualization using modern VR approach and expanding from this – investigation of the VR relationship and possibility to integrate into the architectural workflow. Article evaluates how differently CAD and VR affection results in the final space design and proves the CADs insufficiency in spatial visualization.
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