Розвиток системної концепції наукометричних баз даних
Проаналізовано принципи роботи наявних науково-метричних баз даних. Запропоновано концепцію автоматизованої інформаційно-аналітичної системи для моніторингу інформаціїї щодо публікацій науковців з України у міжнародних науково-метричних базах даних. Описано проблему розподілення отриманих статей між авторами та наведено її рішення.Посилання
Burkov, V. N., Beloschitsky, A. A., & Gogunsky, V. D. (2013). Options citation of scientific publications in scientometric databases. Management of development of difficult systems. Kyiv, Ukraine: KNUCA, 15, 134 - 139.
Gogunsky, V. D., Kolyada, A. S., & Iakovenko, V. O. (2014). Scientometric data scientific publication "Management of development of difficult systems. Management of development of difficult systems. Kyiv, Ukraine: KNUCA, 19, 6 – 11.
Bushuev, S. D., Beloschytsky, A. A., & Gogunsky, V. D. (2014). Scientometric database: characteristics, opportunities and challenges. Management of development of difficult systems. Kyiv, Ukraine: KNUCA: 18, 145 – 152.
Bui, D., Beloschytsky, A., & Gogunsky, V. (2014). Scopus and other scientometric database: simple questions and vague answers. High School. Kyiv, Ukraine: 4, 37 ‑ 40.
Beloschitsky, A. A. (2012). Management problems in the methodology of design vector control of the educational environment. Management of development of difficult systems. № 9, 104 ‑ 107.
Bushuev, S. D., Gogunsky, V. D., & Koshkin, K. V. (2012). Areas of dissertation research in the specialty "Program and Project Management." Management of development of difficult systems. № 12, 6 ‑ 9.
Lizunov, P. P., Beloschitsky, A. A., & Beloschitskaya, S. V. (2011). Design vector control higher education institutions / Management of development of difficult systems. Kyiv, Ukraine: KNUCA: 6, 135 ‑ 139.
Maslennikova, K. S., & Kolesnikova, K. V. (2013). Components behavioral competence of project team members on the basis of competency approach. Management of development of difficult systems. Kyiv, Ukraine, KNUCA: 14, 48 ‑ 51.
La Rowe, Gavin, Ambre, Sumeet, Burgoon, John, Ke, Weimao and Börner, Katy. (2007) The Scholarly Database and Its Utility for Scientometrics Research. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics, Madrid, Spain, June 25-27, 2007, pp. 457-462.
Lizunov, P. P., & Biloschytsky, A. A. (2007). Create information-educational environment of higher educational institution. Journal of East-Ukrainian National University V.I. Dahl. № 5 (111), part 1, 205 ‑ 210.
Rach, V., Rossoshans'ka, O., & Medvedeva, O. (2011). Building a terminological system of scientific knowledge. Scientific world. No.4, 13 ‑ 16.
Teslya, Yu. M., Beloschytsky, A. A., & Teslya, N. Yu. (2010). Information Technology Project Management based ERPP (enterprise resources planning in project) and APE (administrated projects of the enterprise) systems. Management of development of difficult systems. Kyiv, Ukraine: KNUCA: 1, 16 ‑ 20.
Kolesnikova, K. V. (2013). The development of the theory of project management: project initiation study law. Management of development of difficult systems. Kyiv, Ukraine, KNUCA: 17, 24 ‑ 30.
Vlasenko, O. V., Lebed’ V. V., & Gogunsky, V. D (2012). Markov model of communication processes in international projects. Management of development of difficult systems. Kyiv, Ukraine: KNUCA: 12, 35 ‑ 39.
Kolesnikova, K. V. (2013). The development of the theory of project management: Explanation law K.V Koshkin to complete projects. Management of development of difficult systems. Kyiv, Ukraine, KNUCA: 16, 38 - 45.
Lizunov, P., Biloschytsky, A. (2007). Models and means of forming complex information-educational environment of the institution. Information processing systems. Kharkiv, Ukraine: 6(63), 2-7.
Khabsha, M., & Giles, C.L, (2014). The Number of Scholarly Documents on the Public Web. PLoS ONE 9(5): e93949.
Mazaraki, A., Prytulska, N., Melnichenko S. (2011). Integration of domestic science to the world through scientometric database. Bulletin KNTEU. Kyiv, Ukraine: 6, 5 ‑ 13.
Biloschytsky, A. A., & Dikhtyarenko, O. V. (2013). Effectiveness of methods to search for matches in the texts. Management of development of difficult systems. Kyiv, Ukraine: KNUCA: 14, 144 – 147
. Biloschytsky, A.A., Dikhtyarenko, O.V., & Lyaschenko, T.O. (2013). Conversion of different types of files to one format. Management of development of difficult systems. Kyiv, Ukraine: KNUCA: 18, 140 – 144.
Gogunsky, V. D., Iakovenko, V. O., & Kolyada, A. S. (2014). Application of Latent Dirichlet allocation for the analysis of scientometric publications database. Proc. of Odes. Polytechnic. Univ. Odessa, Ukraine, ONPU: 1 (43), 186 – 191.
Scott Deerwester, Susan T. Dumais, George W. Furnas, Thomas K. Landauer, Richard Harshman (1990). «Indexing by Latent Semantic Analysis» (PDF). Journal of the American Society for Information Science 41 (6): 391–407.
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Markovsky, I. (2012) Low-Rank Approximation: Algorithms, Implementation, Applications, Springer.
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Chris Ding and Jieping Ye. "Two-dimensional Singular Value Decomposition (2DSVD) for 2D Maps and Images". Proc. SIAM Int'l Conf. Data Mining (SDM'05), pp. 32–43, April 2005.
Lehman, Ann (2005). Jmp For Basic Univariate And Multivariate Statistics: A Step-by-step Guide. Cary, NC: SAS Press. p. 123.
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